Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Videos

I've been on hiatus a while, so now I'm making up for it:

First, here's a short clip showcasing Andy's frontside layback. While I've been told we're f***ing horrible at skating, I still think Andy has a nice layback:

The next two are from our youth group's trip to Costa Rica. These are just little shorts giving a taste of what we did down there.

The first shows the village we visited outside the capital city of San Jose:

The second shows our youth group giving surf lessons in Jaco, Costa Rica.

And finally, the video that five of you have been waiting for: the cricket video, also known as "WWJTBE?" or "What Would John The Baptist Eat?"-

Alright-tell me what you think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been reported that there are 121 parasitic species that inhabit the genus "Costa Rica Grasshopperus" and a plethora of microorganisms including enteroccocus coli, staphylococcus,and streptococcus.
From: impartial observer no way related to crazy boy who does crazy things.